Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is a Gantt Chart?

a Gantt chart is used to organize data in a table first, and then its able to be turned into a chart.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How will you use Mail Merge in the future?

Mail Merge is a very helpful program that can be used for many things in the future. I can use it in place of writing various letters. It saves time and is super easy to use. In class, mail merge was used to replace words in a letter so we dont have to re-type it. It was fast and easy and very helpful. I think it should be preferred to someone that works in an office, or a business person that is constantly re-writing things. (:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Excel SET #1

Active Cell: the selected cell in a spreadsheet that you input data.

Ascending & Descending Order: excel follows a set of patterns on how your information is organized. whether its ascending or descending.

Cell reference: the combination that refers to a cell in the worksheet.

Filling Handle: the small dot at the bottom of an active cell that lets you size the cell.

Grid lines: the lines that seperate the data and that make up the worksheet.

Header Row: the numbers used to identify each row in the worksheet.

Range: when you select a group of cells in a worksheet.

Workbook: a spreadsheet file.

Worksheet: the main sheet in excel that contains multiple columns and you are able to input data.